Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bad night

The wife and I were trying to think of a night recently that was worse than last night and we could not come up with anything within the last two months. We were up with the kids at 1am, 2am, 3am and I was up again at 4am. I got them back to sleep instead of the usual feed. I finally woke them up at 7am. I guess this is a good thing since they didn't need to be fed, but the lack of sleep and the little fights that the wife and I get in are straining. We have to constantly remind each other to think big picture and not get on each other about small things like dishes. We can't compare what each other do on a daily basis because our roles are so drastically different. Her job is so much harder than mine and I really am so proud of how well she is doing with everything so far.


  1. Can you and your wife carve out some time to get away from the kids and do some adult things? It is important to give yourselves a break every so often if possible.

  2. MOST IMPORTANT - Try try try to think of your wife...even though you're tired and worked all day. Sounds like your doing just that!
