Monday, September 13, 2010

Still no babies yet...

Week 36 is in the books and still no sign of the new little ones. This morning was the first time I have ever heard the wife say "I'm miserable"... so you know it is time and she is ready to get it going. Maybe we will take a couple of nice long walks this week if there is no action to speak of tonight.

We dropped about $600 at babies r us yesterday and I feared that her water would break right then and there as we picked up the top of the line pump along with two play pens. Then we went to Costco and decided that having a slice of pizza was about all the time we had as the lines snaked around the granola bars and towards the Halloween candy. We had a great dinner over at her parents house where they surprised me with an early birthday cake.

Maybe the kids will give me a nice present on Wednesday and come out of their warm cuddly little place and begin their adventure.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update, Schaubs :)
    Glad there was no water breakage in Babies R Us OR Costco!! Would have made for a great story, though!
    I'm sorry that she's not feeling so up to par these days... hopefully those walks will help convince them to get out here and meet everyone :)
