Sunday, September 26, 2010

Twin Girls!!

Just a quick update for now as I am working on an average of 3 hours sleep:

Baby A - Lily Ann - 5 pounds 5 ounces - born at 11:51pm on September 21st, 2010

Baby B - Rebecca Ann - 6 pounds 3 ounces - born at 12:19am on September 22nd, 2010

Mom did an unbelievably amazing job and had them both naturally.

We are beaming with pride and joy at home safe and sound as of Saturday night.

:) :) :) :)


  1. Congratulations to you and your wonderful wife!!! You are going to be such a good Dad! Can't wait for pics. Remember, no pictures, it didn't happen. ;)

  2. Congrats to the Schauble the fun begins!

  3. I'm still disappointed that you didn't name them John and Dave ...

    The great thing about parenthood is that there is tremendous latitude in what you do and you will still be okay.

    Glad to hear things worked out so well and have continued to do so.

    Word verification: confes

  4. congrats dude! glad everything went well... enjoy the next 50 years!

  5. I want an update AND pictures!!!
