Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Consistently tired

The 4am feedings are running like clockwork. We plan our evening around trying to time the wake up cries for food in the early part of each day. The cries from the baby monitor usually kick off between 3:30 and 4:30am and as soon as we hear the first few minutes of hunger confirmed the Wife is up and at it. I get a bit of a break but not a total reprieve from feeding duties. After all, there are two!

I am usually awake by the time the bottle warmer is on and a baby is in my lap. Often times I will turn on TV and 9 times out of 10 there is a poker show on somewhere on the tube that helps pass the time. Other times we will just leave the tv off and chat about the upcoming day or discuss the plans for the weekend (such as Christmas shopping).

I'm really working hard on letting my Wife know what a wonderful job she is doing. She is thankful that I notice all the little things she does on a daily basis. For example, yesterday she made a massive lasagna made with ground turkey and spinach. Yum! In fact, we'll probably have it again tonight as these types of meals really make it much easier on us to devote our time to the kids and all the other daily duties that need attending to.

The girls are 11 weeks old as of today. They are so special and I miss them daily while at work.

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